The G20&G7HDP launched the AMR Legislator Initiative which aims through a series of 4 hearings to identify the gaps and make progress on implementing national action plans on AMR. The initiative is run by leading parliamentarians such as Professor Agnes Buzyn, former French Health Minister, Right Hon. Dr Christopher Kalila, MP from Zambia, and Chaired by Dame Angela Eagle, MP from the UK.
A series of hearings will take place leading up to the World Health Assembly, concluding with a model resolution that parliamentarians can present in their parliaments. The outcome will be a short report written by Francis Jacobs and presented at WHA that includes a list of recommendations that bridge the democratic deficit on AMR awareness to action.
Francis Jacobs worked for the European Parliament from just before direct elections in 1979 until the end of April 2016. Much of his career was as a staff member on various European Parliament committees, including those on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy, on German Unification and on Constitutional Affairs. From 2000-2006 he led the staff of the EP Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, and from 2006-2016 was the head of the European Parliament’s Information Office in Ireland. Since his retirement in 2016 Francis writes about and gives lectures on the European Union in Ireland, Italy and several other countries, and has participated in many EUSA, UACES and other conferences on EU matters.

Francis Jacobs