Develop partnerships and promote an innovative financing agenda across the G20 nations and beyond.

Promote the importance of the need for new forms of blended finance initiatives through improved cross-sectoral partnerships, strengthened capacity and leveraging private sector engagement via the H20 report.

Advocate to G20 Health and Finance Ministers to recognise and promote the benefits of blended finance models in global health where required to develop, implement and scale up new vaccines, medicines, diagnostics because governments, PDPs, NGOs, academic institutes and the private sector alone do not presently have the resources to decrease the negative economic and human consequences of diseases on the global economy.

Promote the inclusion of foundations, philanthropists, businesses, the pharmaceutical industry, and product development partnerships that have shared values as voices in the G20 dialogue and decision-making process. 

Encourage countries to consider the implementation of incentives for innovation in health models.

Explore further potential avenues for advocating the Partnership’s agenda in 2019 beyond the G20 and the G7, through the Commonwealth, OIF, UK-Japan 21st Century Group, GCC, the IPU and the AU to advocate.

Expand the partnership’s support base with Global Ambassadors who will convey partnership’s messages globally.