CEO, International Digital Health and AI Research Collaborative, President, UNITE

Ricardo Baptista Leite is a Member of the Portuguese Parliament and National Spokesperson of the Social Democratic Party for Health. In Parliament, Dr. Baptista Leite is coordinator for the Social Democrat’s in the Health Committee, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, and member of the All-Party Working Group on Population and Development. Founder and President of the ‘UNITE Global Parliamentarians Network’, a global platform of policy makers committed to ending HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis and other infectious diseases as public health threats, in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Elected as Vice President of the ‘Parliamentary Network on the World Bank & International Monetary Fund’. Dr. Baptista Leite was awarded the title ‘HCV Change Maker’ by The Economist in recognition of his leadership in the field of hepatitis C. Prior to his election, he was a practising physician for 7 years, including a 5-year infectious diseases residency. He has also worked for over a decade in health information technologies. In addition, he is also Head of Public Health at Católica University of Portugal and Guest Lecturer at NOVA Medical School.