17 September 2023, G20&G7HDP Side Event on UHC and NCDs, United Nations General Assembly, New York
The G20&G7HDP co-hosted an event with the Business Council for International Understanding (BCIU) and Roche, at the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, on Universal Health Coverage and non-communicable diseases. Our chair, Alan Donnelly, spoke on the need to place primary health care at the centre of our national and international strategies to avoid talking about health in an abstract way and achieve universal health coverage.
Keynote remarks from Thomas Östros, Vice-President of the European Investment Bank, focused on the inequality in access to health systems that remains post-pandemic, with the EIB working hard to position health as a building block to further social and economic stability.
The discussion, was joined by panellists Michael Oberreiter, Head of Global Access, Roche, Felicitas Riedl, Director of Innovation and Competitiveness, European Investment Bank, Alison Cox, Policy and Advocacy Director, NCD Alliance, and Dr Ethel Leonor Noia Maciel, Secretary for Health Surveillance and Environment, Ministry of Health, Brazil.
21-22 June 2023, H20 Summit, United Nations Headquarters, Geneva
We hosted the annual Health20 Summit on 21-22 June 2023 in Geneva at the United Nations Headquarters. We brought together G20 and G7 policymakers, government ministers, multilateral organizations, the global health community, the private sector, economists and investors, civil society and academia, where concrete recommendations to the G20 Presidency were established ahead of this year’s G20 Leader’s, Finance, and Health Ministerial meetings. The Summit was opened by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO.
The first day focused on the role of global health in times of multipolar crises and the need for more proactive cohesiveness between the G20 and G7. The report, ‘The Roadmap to Sustainable Finance in Health’ was launched, which highlighted the misalignment between the health and finance community. The second day took stock of current political initiatives within the G20+ and their impact on rising challenges, such as antimicrobial resistance, the digital transformation, and climate change.
23 May 2023, G20&G7HDP Technical Meeting, World Health Assembly, Geneva
At our technical meeting, we announced our new G20 & G7 Health and Development name and logo along with our partners, ambassadors, and G7 delegates at the IFPMA. The change reflects and builds on the increased collaboration we have had with both the G20 & G7 presidencies over the last seven years since our inception. In times of multipolar challenges, there is an increased need to converge and strengthen multilateral agendas and create stronger ties between public and private sectors to tackle global challenges and meet the UN SDG 3 targets by 2030.
17-19 April 2023, 2nd G20 Health Working Group, Goa, India
The G20&G7HDP attended the 2nd G20 Health Working Group with our Executive Director as official delegate. The working group focused on digital health, leveraging digital technologies to improve global healthcare services & achieve universal health coverage and the link between health and climate change.
Our Executive Director, Hatice Beton, stressed the importance of bridging the gap between the investors’ community and the digital health providers to unlock new catalytic funding to scale up AI solutions in health.
11 April 2023, International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings Side-Event, Washington DC
The IMF Spring Side event, hosted by the Open Society Foundations at their DC offices focused around investigating existing and new sustainable financing mechanisms to help close funding gaps in global health and achieve the UN SDG targets by 2030. Keynote speakers included Dr Andrew Ullman, Member of German Parliament and Baronness Patricia Scotland, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth.
The content and discussion of the roundtable heard the point of views from politicians, international organizations like the World Bank and global health organizations and supported the development of our report on sustainable financing “The Roadmap to Sustainable Finance”. The report, now published, provides a technical overview of the current methodology to assess health metrics that was developed by the WifOR Institute and outlines concrete examples of how innovative and sustainable finance methods have been used in G20+ economies to close the fiscal space on health in national economies.
9 March 2023, H20 Dialogue: Health Metrics in the European Semester Cycle, European Parliament, Brussels
The G20&G7HDP organized an high-level roundtable in the European Parliament, supported by Members of the European Institutions from across parties and committees, discussed the economic interdependencies between health and the overall economy, how health metrics can be integrated into the European Semester Cycle, and how a common set of metrics in the EU 27 would help member states measure health investments as well as identify existing and new mechanisms of health financing.
The event was co-hosted by Sandro Gozi MEP and Global Ambassador for the Partnership and Sara Cerdas Members MEP and member of the Parliamentary Council for the Partnership.
14 to 17 February 2023, New Delhi Outreach Trip
Our Chair, Alan Donnelly, and Executive Director, Hatice Beton, travelled to New Delhi to engage with crucial stakeholders for India’s G20 presidency. Alan Donnelly and Hatice Beton met with the G20 sherpas, government officials, and civil society organisations to identify how the partnership can amplify and align with India’s G20 health priorities, whilst also ensuring convergence with G7 priorities. Since that trip, we have engaged with the Indian Presidency, both advising on their digital health strategy and being invited as delegates to the G20 Health Working Group.
10 to 13 January 2023, Tokyo Outreach Trip
Our Chair, Alan Donnelly travelled to Tokyo to meet with key decision-makers for Japan’s G7 presidency. The outreach gathered political intelligence, identified points of collaboration and established partnerships. As a result of the trip, Alan Donnelly was nominated as an International Advisor to the G7 Hiroshima Global Health Task Force. Our strategy for the G7 Japan Presidency was influenced by the information gained by the outreach.
T20 Summit in Bali
September 6: The G20HDP co-chaired the T20 Summit in Bali, where Chair Alan Donnelly reflected on learning from best practices in high-income countries for the digital health transition.
Health 20 Summit, 2022
September 1-2: The G20HDP hosted the annual Health 20 Summit at the WHO Headquarters, co-hosted by the T20 bringing together politicians, governments, global health leaders, the private sector, academia, and the wider global health community to address urgent challenges in health. A Call to Action was issued following the Summit and an op-ed published in Politico.
Prof. Thabrany of T20 Task Force
July 15: The G20HDP hosted a closed door H20 Dialogue with Prof. Thabrany, Lead Co-Chair of T20 Task Force 6- Global Health Security and COVID-19
Health Ministers meeting in Yogyakarta
June 20-21: The G20HDP attended the Health Ministers and 1st Joint Health and Finance Ministers meeting in Yogyakarta alongside partners FIND. An op-ed authored by the G20HDP was published in Politico following the Meeting.
Roundtable with the French Presidency of the EU Council
May 31: The G20HDP hosted a second roundtable with the French Presidency of the EU Council and the eHealth Network ahead of the eHealth Network meeting on 1-2 June. Recommendations were submitted to the Presidency and the Network following the meeting.
G7 Health Ministers recommendations
May 18: Ahead of the G7 Health Ministers meeting, the G20HDP produced recommendations for G20 governments on antimicrobial resistance, pandemic preparedness, digital health, and sustainable financing.
G20HDP dinner at the German Bundestag
April 26: The G20HDP hosted a dinner in the German Bundestag with members of the Global Health Sub-Committee and the global health community to discuss the German G7 Presidency for 2022.
World Vaccine Congress Washington DC
April 20: Executive Director Hatice Beton contributes to the World Vaccine Congress in Washington D.C. to discuss solutions to tackle lowering immunization rates and vaccine hesitancy globally.
WHO Council on the Economics of Health for All
April 20: The G20HDP hosted a closed-door roundtable hosted with the WHO Council on the Economics of Health for All discussed the financial intermediary fund for pandemic preparedness and response on the side-lines of the IMF Spring Meetings. An op-ed and communiqué was produced following the roundtable, which featured leading politicians, economists, and governments.
Global Solutions Summit
March 28: Executive Director Hatice Beton addresses the Global Solutions Summit, highlighting the need for alternative financing mechanisms to strengthen the global health architecture, using lessons from the green finance agenda.
Forum Europe Afrique
March 17: Chair Alan Donnelly speaks at the Forum Europe Afrique to highlight the need for capacity building in Africa to strengthen pandemic preparedness.
Beyond COVID-19
February 1: Official virtual event with the French EU Council Presidency on the digital health transformation in Europe, featuring politicians, the European Commission, the global health community, and private sector.
Recover Together, Recover Stronger
January20 “Recover Together, Recover Stronger: Synergizing G20 and G7 Presidencies for a Stronger Response to Health Crises”- Co-Hosted by the G20HDP, Global TB Caucus and The Global Fund.
G20 Presidency Italy
Health Digital 20 Dialogue with G20 Sherpas and Planning before Presidency
At the beginning of the Italian Presidency (as we have done with all other previous G20 presidencies), we engaged in a closed-door roundtable discussion with G20 Health Sherpas to hear about the priorities and discuss with our 25 senior members and global ambassadors how we can support the Presidency goals.
Reports and Recommendations produced for the G20
The Partnership collaborated with engagement groups of the G20, in particular the B20 and the B20’s Health and Life Sciences Taskforce. The Partnership submitted a report to the G20 and the B20 on health metrics in collaboration with the WifOR Institute and Harvard University on how to measure the return of investments in health.
Ahead of key ministerial meetings throughout the year, the Partnership produced recommendations for G20 Leaders, Health Ministers, Finance Ministers and Sherpas to help support the Presidency’s agenda and offer suggestions for policymaking. Recommendations were produced for the Global Health Summit and the G20 Health Ministers Meeting in particular. Many of our recommendations were adopted into the Health Ministers communique and the joint Health and Finance Ministers communique as demonstrated in the attached document.
To mark Patient Safety awareness week, the Partnership published a report, “The Overlooked Pandemic: How to Transform Patient Safety and Save Healthcare Systems” with the support of the Italian G20 Presidency, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Dr. Tedros, Director General of the WHO.
G20 Health Working Groups
We engaged with the Sherpas in the Italian Prime Minister’s Office, the Health Ministry, and the Finance Ministry throughout the course of 2020 and 2021.
After having received official recognition by the Italian Sherpa team as the “H20” as an engagement group of the G20, we engaged with the G20 health ministry throughout the year and supported all G20 Health Working Groups including the PHO-LAB initiative to support the process, meetings with input from our experts in the partnership. Through our public recommendations and liaison with the Presidency we have influenced and supported the outcomes of the Global Health Summit in Rome May 2021, the G20 Health Ministers Meeting in September and the Joint G20 Health and Finance ministers.
Health 20 Summit
Our annual H20 Summit brought together leading members of the public sector, private sector, governments, international organisations, and academia to discuss critical global health challenges over a two-day summit.
The H20 is organised annually by the G20HDP by supporting and collaborating with the G20 Presidency and involving the upcoming G20 Presidency.
In the H20 Summit on 1st and 2nd September 2021 speakers included the Chief Italian Health Sherpa Davide La Cecilia and H.E. Andreano Erwin, Director for International Cooperation and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.
G20 Presidency Saudi Arabia
The G20HDP was invited to attend all G20 Health Working Groups, G20 side-events including working group 1 and working group 2 in person, offering policy suggestions to the G20 Presidency on behalf of the global health community.
The G20HDP was asked to suggest G20HDP members to join the G20 health working groups. Johnson & Johnson, CEPI, FIND, Unitaid and other organisations had the chance to present in official working groups and act as observers.
The G20HDP also published a Call to Action ahead of the G20 Leaders’ meeting to address to COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 as well as ahead of the G20 Health and Finance Ministers’ meeting.
The Partnership held an event in partnership with the Saudi Patient Safety Centre on World Patient Safety Day to highlight the importance of patient safety globally.
The Partnership also engaged with a range of engagement groups such as the B20, T20 and C20 for official side events.
G20 Presidency Japan
The G20HDP has advocated since 2018 that health should be viewed as an investment rather than a cost to societies and economies. In line with our discussions with G20 Health and Finance Ministers, we have created a report with over 30 global health organisations arguing that the work of these and many other organisations contribute to a countries and societies Return on Investment and Return on Value.
The G20HDP presented and launched the report, Health Nations Sustainable Economies in the British Parliament together with the international health and finance community with the support by Chatham House.
G20HDP joined the G20 Health Working Group held in the WHO in May 2019in Geneva. The report was covered in The Lancet and other media outlets. The G20HDP was represented by the diagnostics alliance FIND and Medicines for Malaria Ventures who have been invited to join and present during the G20 Health Working Group meetings.
Based on the report and previous advocacy work, the G20HDP called for a joint meeting of G20 Health and Finance Ministers to highlight the link between health and the economy. This was held for the first time in 2019 under the Japanese Presidency, after a successful campaign by the G20HDP.
Following the annual H20 Summit in Japan attended by senior Japanese Ministers. G20 embassies, journalists private sector and civil society, in collaboration with the Japanese G20 Presidency, the Partnership submitted a Call to Action to G20 governments.
G20 Presidency Argentina
A high-level roundtable was hosted in Geneva by the G20HDP in line with the Argentinian Presidency’s Health Working Group, to discuss many critical health issues. The one-day high-level roundtable involved Secretary General of the Commonwealth Patricia Scotland, Rt Hon. Lord Cunningham of Felling DL, UK House of Lords and Chieko Ikeda from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan.
The G20HDP was founded during the G20 Presidency in 2017 when the German Government leveraged health for the first time on G20 agendas by creating the Health Ministers track.
The high-level roundtable in Berlin brought together a unique group together to break the existing silos in health by inviting politicians, government stakeholders, embassies, the private sector, civil society, public private partnerships and academia to a first time discussions to agree on the common global health challenges and how we can jointly tackle them. This has formed the start of the G20HDP.
A working session of the G20 Health and Development Partnership was hosted in the House of Commons to discuss urgent global health challenges in support of the G20 Presidency.