We break down silos to make your voice heard

We’re a not-for-profit advocacy organisation representing over 27 global health organisations from across the public and private sector and academia aiming to ensure G20 countries coordinate their current and future health innovation strategies to tackle the growing global burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases and promote the delivery of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) by 2030 with a focus on SDG3 “health and well-being for all” and SDG17 “strengthening partnerships.” By promoting inclusive partnerships, we make your voice heard.

Since 2017 our partnership emerged as an informal coalition of like-minded organisations and global ambassadors during the G20 Presidency in Germany. Driven by our commitment to the UN SDGs our 27 partner organisations from across different sectors include public-private partnerships, product development partnerships, not-for-profit organisations, the pharma industry, associations, biotech companies, health tech start-ups, research institutions and academia. We turn your differences into common objectives that leave no one behind.

Together with our partners and our network of 17 high-profile Global Ambassadors, who are made up of current and former politicians and ministers, financiers, c-suite executives, philanthropists, international organisation representatives and academics we collaborate with G20 Presidencies and their engagement groups to support their global health agendas. We’ve supported all the G20 Presidencies since 2017.

The Future of Global Health Diplomacy in a Changing World – The Power of Cohesiveness in the G7 & G20

Registrations have now closed

The Health20 Summit 2024 will be held on the 19-20 of June at the WHO in Geneva. We look forward to welcoming you to the Summit to make your voice heard.

Our activities and our collaboration with our partners is led by our overarching commitment in promoting health innovation and R&D to achieve our SDG targets by 2030 and beyond. While promoting awareness raising amongst policymakers and suggesting solutions, initiatives in tackling some of the world’s deadliest diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, HIV and AIDS, sepsis and cardiovascular diseases and neglected tropical diseases, we focus on overarching challenges to drive system changes that can help to tackle these diseases in and between countries. We provide concrete solutions that help eradicate and tackle some of the world’s deadliest diseases.


Unlike traditional health advocacy groups our recommendations to the G20 and also the G7, our activities and our thought leadership is guided by a macro-economic lens on the overall global health advancement and health systems strengthening agenda. Our common mission and vision promote the risk-return-impact narrative in global health advancement guided by the UN SDG 2030 targets.

The global COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted that current and future health challenges do not respect borders. As the current pandemic will cost our economies and societies around 22 trillion USD by 2025 as estimated by the G20 High-Level Panel of Financing the Common Goods, our objective is to look at outcome-oriented scenarios with our partners and prevent any future disaster.

Our vision helps us promote solutions today

We believe in an inclusive partnership model. We include foundations, philanthropies, businesses and the pharmaceutical industry together with product development partnerships (PDPs) that all have shared-values in the G20 health dialogue and decision-making process.

It’s estimated that financing the achievement of the SDGs by 2030 will require an additional 30 trillion USD in investments over the next decade. Significant financial resources will be necessary to reach these targets as funding by philanthropy (150 billion USD annually) and governments in OECD countries (10 trillion annually) in health and education will not close the existing funding gaps.

We highlight the underinvestment in tackling global disease. It holds back growth and economic performance, presenting major long-term challenges for public resources. There are over US$200 trillion in capital markets. If we spend just 0.5% on health, we can close the SDG 3 gap by 2030. New models of impact investment and blended financing working with governments, philanthropic organisations, development banks and private sector investors can significantly close the existing funding gap to achieve SDG 3.

Based on the experiences of dealing with previous pandemics and COVID-19, we aim to raise awareness that the future of sustainable financing in health should no longer be seen as disaster relief. Innovative models should be promoted and presented to G20 Health and Finance Ministers and G20 Heads of State.

As the G20 continue to focus on areas of global health security and health system strengthening, including the response to COVID-19 and the rise of silent pandemics such as antimicrobial resistance and non-communicable diseases, we add value to these campaigns and drive political support. We see technological innovations creating a new era of e-health and the role of patients and health workers will form the central idea of our work in mobilising political support to achieve universal health coverage by 2030. We achieve this by breaking down barriers.

We scope the health technology horizon for gaps that need to be filled in order to lessen inequalities in health and to fulfil SDG 3 commitments.

G20 Health & Development Partnership

26-27 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3HP

Email office@ssdhub.org

Telephone +44 (0)207 930 6353

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